Modifying CSS in Wordpress theme - CMS & WordPress - SitePoint
Discussion continued from W3C validator reliability? - #31 by Archibald
As the errors do not seem to be affecting the appearanc
Could they be affecting the performance or SEO of the page?
I have a problem with the text displayed in the article post. In the CSS, I’ve included these styles to format it by default, but on its desktop version, the text appears very small. Is there any other element in the stylesheet preventing the text of the last post from appearing like the penultimate one without the need for inline CSS, giving it the same size and default justification? [Link to stylesheet]
Could they be affecting the performance or SEO of the page?
Analysing your web page with Lighthouse within Google Chrome’s Developer Tools gives an excellent rating of 99/100. It is picking up that, for mobile width pages, the ‘search this site’ input element is overlapped by the magnifying glass graphic, both being interactive elements. It is not picking up any other SEO issues.
Is there any other element in the stylesheet preventing the text of the last post from appearing like the penultimate one without the need for inline CSS, giving it the same size and default justification?
You can use Developer Tools to inspect text (and other elements) Select the left-most icon on Developer Tool’s toolbar then hover over the text you wish to inspect. If you then click on selected text you will be able to see where the text gets its CSS from. I note in desktop view that the text listing the characteristics of the camera appears rather small. Develop tools shows
and Developer Tools shows that computes to be 12px.
I am picking up that this file is not available:
(note the space character is invalid in a URL and has been replaced by %20).
There is a really staggering amount of CSS: in five files (I think) and inline. Your blog could be styled with a tiny fraction of this CSS if coded without WordPress.
There is a really staggering amount of CSS: in five files
That’s why I left the direct link to the original CSS because Litespeed minified and chunked it to optimize it for site speed, making it hard to view the content correctly. In the link at the end of my previous post, you’ll find the single CSS file instead of the 5 created by Litespeed, allowing you to see all the styles applied at once. If not, using Developer tools directly on the already optimized website can be confusing regarding the origin of the CSS.
I am picking up that this file is not available:
To fix the font issue, would you recommend changing the folder name containing it to ‘webfont,’ without spaces, to avoid this problem?
Your blog could be styled with a tiny fraction of this CSS
Once the text issue is resolved, I’d like to reduce the size of this file, but I’m unsure where to start as it handles presenting the mobile view of the WordPress theme, and I’m afraid of breaking it.
You can use Developer Tools to inspect text
If I want to be able to use Developer tools directly, I have to enter this other URL to prevent Litespeed’s work on the CSS, and then truly see where each element comes from, as I mentioned in my previous post, it’s in that CSS stylesheet I shared the link to. The issue is that I don’t know what to modify to make it look as I expect, as I thought I was doing it right, and apparently something interferes with the final result.
That’s why I left the direct link to the original CSS
I was referring to the staggering amount of CSS used by your online web page, although it is a fairly simple web page.
To fix the font issue, would you recommend changing the folder name containing it to ‘webfont,’ without spaces, to avoid this problem?
I think my browser and your server are taking care of the space character in the URL (by using URL encoding). Is
The issue is that I don’t know what to modify to make it look as I expect, as I thought I was doing it right, and apparently something interferes with the final result.
Please give the location of an example of what you are wanting to modify and what modification you wish to make.
Here is a screenshoot of cpanel, showing the folder and the fonts in it.
Please give the location of an example of what you are wanting to modify and what modification you wish to make.
This is an example of how I would like the text to look. I think I’ve already achieved it with the headings, but with the rest of the text is where I encounter problems. I managed to style the example text through inline CSS, but what I’m interested in is that it is well defined in my CSS stylesheet so that inline styling is not necessary. The latest post visible on my blog is the one to which I haven’t applied any inline styles, and it doesn’t display correctly. To view its CSS correctly through Developer tools, you need to visit the blog through this link to prevent the Litespeed plugin in WordPress from modifying the CSS.
Is Orkney a good choice for titles and texts, or is it better to use Raleway for the text?
I was referring to the staggering amount of CSS used by your online web page, although it is a fairly simple web page.
It’s possible that there are duplicated parts and/or disordered code, but a freelance developer added responsive functionality through CSS to a theme I was using before and wanted to keep. I had previously “fixed” small issues I had come across. Can you think of a way to streamline the code without the risk of “breaking” something?
At the moment, I’ve identified some things that I believe I don’t use on my blog. If you can confirm that I can safely delete them, I would appreciate it.
Here is a screenshoot of cpanel, showing the folder and the fonts in it.
Font family ‘Orkney’ is being used OK, so I wonder if file
This is an example of how I would like the text to look.
On your Hasselblad blog, Developer Tools (I’m using Firefox) is showing the text to be ‘Orkney’ (as ‘orkneyregular’ has failed to download), 0.875rem (=14px), rgb(51, 51, 51). This is declared in lines 302 to 307 in style.css, with the color declared as a default for the body on line 34.
The text in your screenshot above seems to be 20px (=1.25rem) and may be black, not dark grey . . . . as far as I can tell from the screenshot.
Is Orkney a good choice for titles and texts, or is it better to use Raleway for the text?
When looking at any website, I usually take no notice of what the text looks like. Perhaps that is just a personal thing and that I am not very observant. I think many website designers pay much too much attention to appearance details and often not enought attention to text content, image content and navigation. Reading your blog, I would not have been aware that the text is anything other than ordinary sans-serif.
As mentioned a while ago, I am surprised the subheading text of your blog appears in a larger font than the main heading text.
Can you think of a way to streamline the code without the risk of “breaking” something?
Reducing some CSS is going to make no noticeable difference. Even though style.css alone runs to 2490 lines of code, your total CSS (not only style.css) is only 8.2% of your page load size (with Litespeed).
The text in your screenshot above seems to be 20px (=1.25rem) and may be black, not dark grey . . . . as far as I can tell from the screenshot.
You can view the content of the screenshot directly on the blog in the second post on the main page to see its actual relative size. I don’t think inline CSS would be very useful for determining its size since it’s only defined as
the text to be ‘Orkney’ (as ‘orkneyregular’ has failed to download), 0.875rem (=14px), rgb(51, 51, 51).
The CSS you mention is the following, right?
What do I modify in them to make it correct?
At least it does not look like the space in the URL is causing the issue.
I think you’re right about this, because otherwise, the rest of the fonts wouldn’t load being in the same folder, right? Maybe the best option is to remove that font and its loading in the CSS? With the Orkney font available in all other formats, I can do without orkneyregular, which is in WOFF format, I believe.
Speaking of fonts, is it good to load bold, italic versions, etc… or is the regular version enough?
I don’t think inline CSS would be very useful for determining its size since it’s only defined as
The class
Note the declation includes the !important rule:
The CSS you mention is the following, right?
Yes, I was mentioning the
Yes, I was mentioning the
Then I must modify like this?
Can I combine the styles of
Once these changes are made, can I remove the inline CSS from the example post?
As mentioned a while ago, I am surprised the subheading text of your blog appears in a larger font than the main heading text.
Do you check in dev tools or is only at eye checking?
In principle, you can see that the titles are defined with descending sizes, unless another rule is affecting them.
Can I combine the styles of
I suggest you keep that CSS. The body declaration acts as a ‘default’ for your whole web page. However I think Sans-Serif should be sans-serif.
Do you check in dev tools or is only at eye checking?
I noticed that by eye.
In principle, you can see that the titles are defined with descending sizes, unless another rule is affecting them.
Your blog title and your subheadings are all
Developer Tools shows the blog title is 28px while the subheadings are 33.6px.
This is how Developer Tools in Firefox shows it:
The font size of your blog title will be the same except that it is not within
Is it necessary, or would deleting everything make more sense by not including that multiplication you mentioned?
What do you think? The VW units don’t depend on a parent element, so there’s no need to fear those “recalculations,” and all screens would appear the same by adjusting based on the resolution, right?
Especially as you are concerned about SEO, you could make all your sub-headings
If you do not want to make your sub-headings
. . . . to select
That would need to go somewhere after line 349 of the style.css file so it is not ovewritten by the declaration on line 349.
to select
If I understand you correctly, then I would need to do the same with the rest of the headers to maintain proportion, right? h3, h4, h5… etc.
Or alternatively, convert the post titles to h1? But I’m unsure of the SEO impact… If my calculations are correct, the size would be 16px x 4.8 = 72px as it’s currently defined. Maybe it’s too large? The current H1 is only applied to the blog logo.
Or alternatively, convert the post titles to h1?
I note that your blog title and its subheadings are
In the circumstances to avoid having to change all subheadings, I suggest you make your blog title
My understanding of what is going on with your font sizes is as follows. The 62.5% makes the ‘default’ font size for your website body to be 10px. I think this has been done just to make an easier number to start with than the usual 16px browser default. So if for example some text is required at 18px it would be simply 1.8em instead of 1.125em. I guess the 1.2em has been chosen to make the default font size within each blog, excluding blog title, to be 12px (which is rather small). The
Initially, based on the CSS, there are h2, #sidebar h2, and .sticky h2. The first two seem to be for post header 2 and sidebar header 2, but I’m unsure about the last one. Modifying h2 may not affect the sidebar ones, but while testing the appropriate size for post h2, I’ve noticed it proportionally changes the title sizes. It might be the 1.2em multiplier from the parent element
I’ve resolved paragraph styles and font loading issues in the dev tools. Could you confirm if it looks good for you and the remaining issue is with the headers?
I don’t find the line to change the size
Your "Posted . … " text includes
Wich one is this text?
I’ve resolved paragraph styles and font loading issues in the dev tools. Could you confirm if it looks good for you and the remaining issue is with the headers?
I thought you had only the Hasselbald blog on your home page. I see you now have four blogs on your home page. As it is strongly recommended that you should have no more than one
Developer Tools is showing this text to be Tahoma 11px:
Posted: 25/01/2024 by Agusti Pardo in Hasselblad
I am surprised Lighthouse is not reporting that text and your list text as being too small for accessibility. See:
Learn about the "Document doesn't use legible font sizes" Lighthouse audit.
I expected the
I see the main text of your Hasselblad box to be Orkney 22.8px, while the main text of your nighshade and Mestre blogs is Orkney 20px and the main text of your EL TRADE blog is arial 18.6667px.
Are you expecting visitors to your website to be able to read the text in an image regarding "Comunicado publico frente oliver sinisterra . . . "?
This image become illegible on a small smartphone (here with 320px wide screen):
. . . . assuming the website’s responsiveness works from width of screen.
Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled
As the errors do not seem to be affecting the appearanc
Could they be affecting the performance or SEO of the page?
I have a problem with the text displayed in the article post. In the CSS, I’ve included these styles to format it by default, but on its desktop version, the text appears very small. Is there any other element in the stylesheet preventing the text of the last post from appearing like the penultimate one without the need for inline CSS, giving it the same size and default justification? [Link to stylesheet]
Could they be affecting the performance or SEO of the page?
Analysing your web page with Lighthouse within Google Chrome’s Developer Tools gives an excellent rating of 99/100. It is picking up that, for mobile width pages, the ‘search this site’ input element is overlapped by the magnifying glass graphic, both being interactive elements. It is not picking up any other SEO issues.
Is there any other element in the stylesheet preventing the text of the last post from appearing like the penultimate one without the need for inline CSS, giving it the same size and default justification?
You can use Developer Tools to inspect text (and other elements) Select the left-most icon on Developer Tool’s toolbar then hover over the text you wish to inspect. If you then click on selected text you will be able to see where the text gets its CSS from. I note in desktop view that the text listing the characteristics of the camera appears rather small. Develop tools shows
font-size: 1.2em
in this file:
and Developer Tools shows that computes to be 12px.
I am picking up that this file is not available:
(note the space character is invalid in a URL and has been replaced by %20).
There is a really staggering amount of CSS: in five files (I think) and inline. Your blog could be styled with a tiny fraction of this CSS if coded without WordPress.
There is a really staggering amount of CSS: in five files
That’s why I left the direct link to the original CSS because Litespeed minified and chunked it to optimize it for site speed, making it hard to view the content correctly. In the link at the end of my previous post, you’ll find the single CSS file instead of the 5 created by Litespeed, allowing you to see all the styles applied at once. If not, using Developer tools directly on the already optimized website can be confusing regarding the origin of the CSS.
I am picking up that this file is not available:
To fix the font issue, would you recommend changing the folder name containing it to ‘webfont,’ without spaces, to avoid this problem?
Your blog could be styled with a tiny fraction of this CSS
Once the text issue is resolved, I’d like to reduce the size of this file, but I’m unsure where to start as it handles presenting the mobile view of the WordPress theme, and I’m afraid of breaking it.
You can use Developer Tools to inspect text
If I want to be able to use Developer tools directly, I have to enter this other URL to prevent Litespeed’s work on the CSS, and then truly see where each element comes from, as I mentioned in my previous post, it’s in that CSS stylesheet I shared the link to. The issue is that I don’t know what to modify to make it look as I expect, as I thought I was doing it right, and apparently something interferes with the final result.
That’s why I left the direct link to the original CSS
I was referring to the staggering amount of CSS used by your online web page, although it is a fairly simple web page.
To fix the font issue, would you recommend changing the folder name containing it to ‘webfont,’ without spaces, to avoid this problem?
I think my browser and your server are taking care of the space character in the URL (by using URL encoding). Is
file in that folder on your server?The issue is that I don’t know what to modify to make it look as I expect, as I thought I was doing it right, and apparently something interferes with the final result.
Please give the location of an example of what you are wanting to modify and what modification you wish to make.
file in that folder on your server?Here is a screenshoot of cpanel, showing the folder and the fonts in it.
Please give the location of an example of what you are wanting to modify and what modification you wish to make.
This is an example of how I would like the text to look. I think I’ve already achieved it with the headings, but with the rest of the text is where I encounter problems. I managed to style the example text through inline CSS, but what I’m interested in is that it is well defined in my CSS stylesheet so that inline styling is not necessary. The latest post visible on my blog is the one to which I haven’t applied any inline styles, and it doesn’t display correctly. To view its CSS correctly through Developer tools, you need to visit the blog through this link to prevent the Litespeed plugin in WordPress from modifying the CSS.
Is Orkney a good choice for titles and texts, or is it better to use Raleway for the text?
I was referring to the staggering amount of CSS used by your online web page, although it is a fairly simple web page.
It’s possible that there are duplicated parts and/or disordered code, but a freelance developer added responsive functionality through CSS to a theme I was using before and wanted to keep. I had previously “fixed” small issues I had come across. Can you think of a way to streamline the code without the risk of “breaking” something?
At the moment, I’ve identified some things that I believe I don’t use on my blog. If you can confirm that I can safely delete them, I would appreciate it.
Here is a screenshoot of cpanel, showing the folder and the fonts in it.
Font family ‘Orkney’ is being used OK, so I wonder if file
is corrupt in some way. At least it does not look like the space in the URL is causing the issue.This is an example of how I would like the text to look.
On your Hasselblad blog, Developer Tools (I’m using Firefox) is showing the text to be ‘Orkney’ (as ‘orkneyregular’ has failed to download), 0.875rem (=14px), rgb(51, 51, 51). This is declared in lines 302 to 307 in style.css, with the color declared as a default for the body on line 34.
The text in your screenshot above seems to be 20px (=1.25rem) and may be black, not dark grey . . . . as far as I can tell from the screenshot.
Is Orkney a good choice for titles and texts, or is it better to use Raleway for the text?
When looking at any website, I usually take no notice of what the text looks like. Perhaps that is just a personal thing and that I am not very observant. I think many website designers pay much too much attention to appearance details and often not enought attention to text content, image content and navigation. Reading your blog, I would not have been aware that the text is anything other than ordinary sans-serif.
As mentioned a while ago, I am surprised the subheading text of your blog appears in a larger font than the main heading text.
Can you think of a way to streamline the code without the risk of “breaking” something?
Reducing some CSS is going to make no noticeable difference. Even though style.css alone runs to 2490 lines of code, your total CSS (not only style.css) is only 8.2% of your page load size (with Litespeed).
The text in your screenshot above seems to be 20px (=1.25rem) and may be black, not dark grey . . . . as far as I can tell from the screenshot.
You can view the content of the screenshot directly on the blog in the second post on the main page to see its actual relative size. I don’t think inline CSS would be very useful for determining its size since it’s only defined as
<p class="has-text-align-justify has-medium-font-size">
, and I can’t find its equivalent in em or rem.the text to be ‘Orkney’ (as ‘orkneyregular’ has failed to download), 0.875rem (=14px), rgb(51, 51, 51).
The CSS you mention is the following, right?
What do I modify in them to make it correct?
At least it does not look like the space in the URL is causing the issue.
I think you’re right about this, because otherwise, the rest of the fonts wouldn’t load being in the same folder, right? Maybe the best option is to remove that font and its loading in the CSS? With the Orkney font available in all other formats, I can do without orkneyregular, which is in WOFF format, I believe.
Speaking of fonts, is it good to load bold, italic versions, etc… or is the regular version enough?
I don’t think inline CSS would be very useful for determining its size since it’s only defined as
<p class="has-text-align-justify has-medium-font-size">
, and I can’t find its equivalent in em or rem.The class
is defined, via a CSS variable, in line 92 of the HTML. It is a long line . Here are the CSS variables for font size in that line.--wp--preset--font-size--small: 13px;--wp--preset--font-size--medium: 20px;--wp--preset--font-size--large: 36px;--wp--preset--font-size--x-large: 42px;
Note the declation includes the !important rule:
.has-medium-font-sizefont-size: var(--wp--preset--font-size--medium) !important;
The CSS you mention is the following, right?
Yes, I was mentioning the
p ....
declaration on lines 302 to 307.Using
units might be a better option to achieve a responsive result?Yes, I was mentioning the
p ....
declaration on lines 302 to 307.Then I must modify like this?
Can I combine the styles of
and <p>
into one, or do they each belong to a different element? If yes, how would it look?Once these changes are made, can I remove the inline CSS from the example post?
As mentioned a while ago, I am surprised the subheading text of your blog appears in a larger font than the main heading text.
Do you check in dev tools or is only at eye checking?
In principle, you can see that the titles are defined with descending sizes, unless another rule is affecting them.
Can I combine the styles of
and <p>
into one, or do they each belong to a different element? If yes, how would it look?I suggest you keep that CSS. The body declaration acts as a ‘default’ for your whole web page. However I think Sans-Serif should be sans-serif.
Do you check in dev tools or is only at eye checking?
I noticed that by eye.
In principle, you can see that the titles are defined with descending sizes, unless another rule is affecting them.
Your blog title and your subheadings are all
elements (Hasselblad blog at least).Developer Tools shows the blog title is 28px while the subheadings are 33.6px.
has font size 2.8em which means that it is 2.8 times the size of the font size of its parent element. The parent element is <div class="entry">
which on llne 148 of style.css has a font size of 1.2em. So this is 1.2 times the size of its parent element. The parent element’s font size comes from the font size of the <body>
on line 29 of style.css. The body font size is declared as 62.5% so that means it is 62.5% of the default browser font size which is usually 16px. So working that out the font size of your subheadings will be:16px x 62.5% x 1.2 x 2.8 = 33.6px
This is how Developer Tools in Firefox shows it:
The font size of your blog title will be the same except that it is not within
<div class="entry">
element so is only:16px x 62.5% x 2.8 = 28px
<div class="entry">
Is it necessary, or would deleting everything make more sense by not including that multiplication you mentioned?
units might be a better option to achieve a responsive result?What do you think? The VW units don’t depend on a parent element, so there’s no need to fear those “recalculations,” and all screens would appear the same by adjusting based on the resolution, right?
Especially as you are concerned about SEO, you could make all your sub-headings
? But would that mean editing all the blogs on your website?If you do not want to make your sub-headings
then we could use CSS:.entry h2 font-size: 0.6em;
. . . . to select
elements within <div class="entry">
to reduce the size of sub-headings (some other value of em
could be chosen). That will not affect main blog headings as they are not within that <div>
element.That would need to go somewhere after line 349 of the style.css file so it is not ovewritten by the declaration on line 349.
units might be a better option to achieve a responsive result?em
units are being used so site visitors with poor eyesight can enlarge all the text by changing their browser’s default font size from the usual 16px. You don’t want font size to be proportional to browser window select
elements within <div class="entry">
to reduce the size of sub-headings (some other value of em
could be chosen). That will not affect main blog headings as they are not within that <div>
element.If I understand you correctly, then I would need to do the same with the rest of the headers to maintain proportion, right? h3, h4, h5… etc.
Or alternatively, convert the post titles to h1? But I’m unsure of the SEO impact… If my calculations are correct, the size would be 16px x 4.8 = 72px as it’s currently defined. Maybe it’s too large? The current H1 is only applied to the blog logo.
Or alternatively, convert the post titles to h1?
I note that your blog title and its subheadings are
elements. I have therefore taken another look at the RNIB, GOV.UK and BBC websites as they will be taking extra care in the use of <h1> <h2>
etc elements for blind users of assistive technology. On their home pages their <h1>
elements contain the names of their organisations. However on other web pages the <h1>
elements describe the contents of each page. I am surprised by this because a user of assistive technology reaching a page via a search engine may not be able to find out easily the name of the website they have reached.In the circumstances to avoid having to change all subheadings, I suggest you make your blog title
instead of FOTOV6.My understanding of what is going on with your font sizes is as follows. The 62.5% makes the ‘default’ font size for your website body to be 10px. I think this has been done just to make an easier number to start with than the usual 16px browser default. So if for example some text is required at 18px it would be simply 1.8em instead of 1.125em. I guess the 1.2em has been chosen to make the default font size within each blog, excluding blog title, to be 12px (which is rather small). The
element on your Hasselblad blog ends up this size. Your "Posted . … " text includes <small>
so that ends up only 11px. I suggest you review all your font sizes, taking into account the multiplication involved because of the use of ‘em’ units. Make sure any changes you make do not affect your left side bar or footer.Initially, based on the CSS, there are h2, #sidebar h2, and .sticky h2. The first two seem to be for post header 2 and sidebar header 2, but I’m unsure about the last one. Modifying h2 may not affect the sidebar ones, but while testing the appropriate size for post h2, I’ve noticed it proportionally changes the title sizes. It might be the 1.2em multiplier from the parent element
I’ve resolved paragraph styles and font loading issues in the dev tools. Could you confirm if it looks good for you and the remaining issue is with the headers?
element on your Hasselblad blog ends up this sizeI don’t find the line to change the size
Your "Posted . … " text includes
so that ends up only 11pxWich one is this text?
I’ve resolved paragraph styles and font loading issues in the dev tools. Could you confirm if it looks good for you and the remaining issue is with the headers?
I thought you had only the Hasselbald blog on your home page. I see you now have four blogs on your home page. As it is strongly recommended that you should have no more than one
element on a web page, you should not convert post titles to <h1>
as you queried in post #14. Post titles therefore should be <h2>
and subheadings should be <h3>
.Developer Tools is showing this text to be Tahoma 11px:
Posted: 25/01/2024 by Agusti Pardo in Hasselblad
I am surprised Lighthouse is not reporting that text and your list text as being too small for accessibility. See:
Learn about the "Document doesn't use legible font sizes" Lighthouse audit.
I expected the
tag used on that line to simply make the text smaller but I see its text size and font are declared on line 472 of style.css and its colour on line 592.I see the main text of your Hasselblad box to be Orkney 22.8px, while the main text of your nighshade and Mestre blogs is Orkney 20px and the main text of your EL TRADE blog is arial 18.6667px.
Are you expecting visitors to your website to be able to read the text in an image regarding "Comunicado publico frente oliver sinisterra . . . "?
This image become illegible on a small smartphone (here with 320px wide screen):
. . . . assuming the website’s responsiveness works from width of screen.
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