The Benefits of Long-form Content, and Why Short-form Is Still Necessary - Forbes

It seems like a no-brainer that a long-form article would perform better than a short-form piece given that the former requires the reader to stay on the page for longer. But it doesn’t work in the way that you’d think.
Publications and brands, alike, have found many short-form articles to be their key traffic- and click-generators while long-form content is often responsible for longer visits, brand building, reader loyalty, and continued discovery. Let’s take a look at some of the surprising benefits and drawbacks of long-form content, plus what short-form content can do for you.
Long-form content keeps readers’ attention longer, but not proportionally so.
Layman’s logic makes us think that the longer an article is, the better -- but that doesn’t take abandonment and skimming into account (both of which affect on-page retention). Based on engaged-time metrics for some of the best-in-class long-form sites in’s network, the top 10 posts in Q4 2015 garnered just over seven minutes of engaged time per visitor. This may seem huge when most stories entice less than a minute of read-time, but compared to the time those articles should take to read through, seven minutes is short.
The top long-form text article included in the analysis was 8,800 words, and when read at the average speed of 200 words per minute, it should have taken the average person 44 minutes to read. But don’t expect that 5,000-word opinion piece to keep a reader in tune for a half an hour. That’s okay, by the way, because…
Long-form content opens up the doors to brand-building.
Although long-form content doesn’t keep visitors on your site for as long as you’d think, it does tend to convert readers from passers-by to occasional visitors. It makes sense if you think about it; if a piece of content inspires more on-page dwell time, there are more opportunities for that visitor to acknowledge and remember where they are.
From a design standpoint, it’s smart to think about your site’s layout in that light – how can you remind your visitors of what else you have to offer? Use the available real estate to incentivize them to stay in the loop or encourage them to read another piece. For example, launched a redesigned site, making their long-form content more feature-like and "brand-centric." This is a smart move: a mirror, of sorts, to how branded news sites such as First Round Capital’s First Round Review have sharpened the way they promote related stories and request newsletter sign-ups without interrupting a reader in an off-putting way.
Short-form content will always have a place in publishing.
While your long-form content may be working overtime on brand-building and developing return visitors, short-form content developed with traffic generation in mind can help you achieve your audience development goals. Think about it like this:
Adam Felder, associate director of analytics for Atlantic Media, speaks to this balance of audience development and traffic generation in-depth here. The bottom line? Diversify your content strategy and generate both types of content regularly.
And if it stresses you out to think about allotting time for long-form content development, try repackaging some of your evergreen content by introducing it with fresh commentary tied to current events or other trending topics. It doesn’t have to be in-depth journalism to be impactful, but it sure doesn’t hurt to employ a newsroom mindset when it comes to producing either content type, long or short.



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